Mangal Yantra Locket should be worn to appease planet Mars. Mars is the planet of sheer raw energy which powers our actions. Mars represents our actions without any consideration of any reason behind them where as actions & energy of the planet Sun are controlled by reasoning. The planet Mars represents our Body Energy, Movement, Earth, Courage, Brothers, Sisters, War, Fire Arms, all inflammable products, Residential properties & Surgeons. It also represents Security services, Military, Police force, Soldiers and Army.
The planet Mars is the Lord of zodiac sign Aries and Scorpion. It is EXALTED in the sign Capricorn and is DEBILITATED in the sign Cancer. The planet Mars is also one of the most important factor for a successful Marital life. Whenever, planet Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house of a person's horoscope, he is said to be a Mangalik person. A person with a weak or malefic Mars suffers from Blood disorders as well as Digestive problems, Accidents, Operations, Boils, Piles, High & Low Blood Pressure, Anemia & Injuries by fire arms. A conjunction of planet Mars with planet Rahu or Sun forms a bad Yoga known as Angarak Yoga. The presence of planet Mars in the 5th house is not considered good from progeny point of view and it can lead to miscarriage or abortions especially so if the planet Mars is being aspected by any other malefic planet. The presence of planet Mars in the 8th house is indicative of Accidents/Surgeries especially so if the Mars is in conjunction with any other malefic planet like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Sun.