| AQUARIUS (January 20- February 18) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - AQUARIUS SYMBOL The Water Bearer RULING PLANET Uranus ELEMENT Air (intellect & communication) MODALITY Fixed (strong and solid) COLOR Electric Blue, Sky Blue METAL Uranium POLARITY Leo Special Quality - I KNOW | POSITIVES : Friendly, People-oriented, Outgoing, Easy-going, Progressive, Humanitarian, assertive, Honest, Helpful, Altruistic, loyal, analytical, original, creative, imaginative, inventive, intellectually independent, unorthodox, eccentric, and a student of human behaviour. | NEGATIVES : Intractable, contrary, perverse, unpredictable, unemotional (distrusts emotions), detached, inflexible, obstinate, having strong dislikes and firm opinions and a tendency to inflate your self-importance and pose as an expert on any subject. | HEALTH CONCERNS : As Aquarius is said to govern the legs from knees to ankles and the circulation of blood, its natives are susceptible to ailments particularly in the legs and ankles, such as cramps, and are also liable to spasmodic and nervous complaints, as well as wind, catarrh, diarrhea, dropsy, goiter and delirium tremens - so that the avoidance of alcohol is important for those Aquarians who have a taste for it. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Middle stature, well built and strong, round and handsome face, cheeks broad, prominent temples and buttocks, fair complexion, brown shade hair, defective teeth, mole or scar in the calf muscle, body full of hair, hands and feet thick, prominent veins. | POSITIVES - I KNOW | - The Water Bearer washes away the past and looks for a fresh, new start. After all you are preparing the world for the New Age of Aquarius.
| - Aquarians have the ability to be great innovators. You lead others into the future. Find a career that will use your amazing inventive talents.
| - Aquarians have a feeling of unity with nature and a desire for knowledge and truth that fits well with the sciences. They are also connected with everything electrical and technical.
| - Aquarians seek to dispense their acquired knowledge. They make good teachers.
| - Aquarians aim to free themselves of personal and social conditioning. This allows them to see things more clear than most.
| - Aquarians are great mediators because they have a gift for dealing with all types of personalities and you see all people as equals.
| - Doubt your independent streak you are among the friendliest of all the signs. You are outgoing and exciting to all. Use this to build strong relationships and good business ties.
| NEGATIVES - Lonesome and Aloof | - Aquarians need space and value personal freedom and thus you always seem to miss out on the better jobs or big promotions at work. The workplace is generally not the place for your ideals and opinions.
| - Aquarians are often left all alone while others enjoy the companionship in both love and friendship. Sometimes you expect too much from other signs who are not as visionary and unique as you. Understand that you are well-liked, but you go to the extremes too often.
| - Aquarians ideals can inflate the ego. Step back, take a breath, you are only human.
| - Aquarians unwillingness to follow the beaten track can be their greatest strength unless it is over done. Being different for the sake of being different is shallow and should be avoided.
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