| SCORPION (October 23 - November 21) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - SCORPION SYMBOL Scorpion RULING PLANET Pluto ELEMENT Water (intellect & communication) MODALITY Fixed (creative) COLOR Crimson, Burgundy, Maroon METAL Plutonium POLARITY Taurus Special Quality - I DESIRE | POSITIVES : Determined, persistent, intense, emotional, intuitive, forceful yet subtle, imaginative, powerful, generous, loyal, passionate, exciting, and magnetic. | NEGATIVES : Jealous, resentful, obstinate, compulsive, obsessive, brooding, secretive, vengeful, possessive, unyielding, extremist, and can appear cold and impassive. | HEALTH CONCERNS : Scorpio governs the pelvis and reproductive and urinary systems and its subjects are said to be prone to ailments of the liver and kidneys, stones and gravel in the bladder or genitals, and other genital ills such as priapism. Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, fistulas, piles, ruptures and ulcers may also affect the Scorpions. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Middle stature, well proportioned body and limbs, broad face, curly hair, dark complexion, prominent chin | POSITIVES - I DESIRE | - Scorpions simply never give up, they have tremendous staying power and this bodes well for aspects of life.
| - Scorpions mental and physical powers are amazing. They can learn to use their power to help and inspire others. A career with an inspirational, leadership position is ideal.
| - Scorpions passion for everything in life, including sex, is magnetic and attracts others.
| - Scorpions possess great intuition, a sixth sense. You understand life's little secrets and have abilities that are stronger than you ever know.
| - Scorpions are rebellious against conventions. What is not being done or what is unknown is more interesting than what is obvious. This can lead to new ideas, newsy and financial success.
| NEGATIVES - Obsessive Passions | - Scorpions obsess on things quite easily, whether it be sex, work, food, drink, cleaning or working out. This obsessive trait is a talent if controlled, but if not, it can prove to be disastrous when dealing with other people. Relax, you're over doing it.
| - Scorpions need to dominate relationships and are secretive with their true feelings. Being with the right person is very important for the passionate Scorpio. Letting go of some control and opening up to others is also very important.
| - Scorpions are very demanding of others. They are very unforgiving of other's faults while not always being aware of their own faults. Look at yourself with the same magnifying glass. See the positive in others.
| - Scorpios have a tendency to discard people once they no longer have a use. The wise Scorpio fights this tendency.
| - Scorpion is the most passionate of the signs, but debauchery and perversion are always on the edge. Scorpions must learn to control their sexual desires.
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